Anyfer - Everything and Fair
The name Anyfer is a made-up word from "Alles" (Any-) and Fair (-fair).
Anyfer GmbH was founded in Vienna in 2014 and originally distributed IT products such as AnyARK, a solution for long-term archiving of data based on open source software and hardware, or AnyVIRT, a low-cost virtualisation product, via partners in German-speaking countries and beyond.
Since 2020, we have completely changed the business field of Anyfer, because the management was allowed to get to know this new musical instrument during a meditation trip to Glastonbury in the Druid temple there. We also learned that this musical instrument is no longer manufactured and therefore no longer available.
For this reason we changed the business purpose of Anyfer to the production and sale of the WINDSINGER and are now happy to be able to sell it through Anyfer.
Thank you for your interest and your purchase!
The Ostermann's